Wednesday, January 6, 2021
12 Noon

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I. Call to Order- Chair Smith
II. Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum
BJCTA Board Members:
Darryl Cunningham; Willie Davis, III; Donald Harwell; LeDon Jones;
Johnnye P. Lassiter; Sam Parker; Kevin Powe; Martin Weinberg; Theodore “Ted” Smith
III. Invocation
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
V. Adoption of the Agenda
VI. Adoption of Minutes
Regular Meeting of the Board – December 2, 2020
VII. Public Comment*
VIII. Chairman’s Report
IX. Transit Citizens Advisory Board (TCAB) Update
X. Birmingham Xpress (BRT) Update –
Charlotte Shaw
XI. Executive Director’s Report
XII. Consent Calendar
A. Resolution 2021-10 Birmingham Public Library Book Mobile Partnership –
Authorize the Executive Director to donate one (1) Inactive Paratransit Bus, that has exceeded its useful life, to the Birmingham Public Library.
B. Resolution 2021-11 FY2021 Operating and Capital Budget –
Authorization to Adopt and Approve the Fiscal Year 2021 Operating and Capital Budget.
XIII. Resolutions for Consideration and Approval
A. Resolution 2021-12 –
Authorization for the Executive Director to enter into a Task Order agreement with TransPro. The firm will provide the following services: 1) Customer and Community Satisfaction Survey 2) Strategic Planning 3) Performance Measurement and Benchmarking (Key Performance Indicators) on a task order basis. The required local match of $10,000 will be provided by the City of Birmingham. The remainder of this task will be funded by a Section 5307 Grant allocating $197,433.00. The proposed total cost of this task order will not exceed $207,433.00.
XIV. Old Business
XV. New Business
XVI. Adjournment

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